
Thomas L. Davis PhD is a registered California Geologist (#4171) 

Oil & Gas Exploration, Prospects, Evaluations, and Assessments:

  • Exploration: Thomas L Davis Geologist and staff (TLDGS) have over 50 years of in-house experience generating oil & gas prospects and leads on our client’s mineral holdings and interests in both domestic and international settings. In-house, we have experience in and maintain the necessary geologic, geophysical, and GIS software programs for oil & gas exploration, and store a sizable exploration data base.
  • Prospect Generation: TLDGS have generated domestic & international prospects, acquired mineral lands or international production sharing interests, and brought in partners. Some of these prospects have led directly to oil discoveries in California and Colombia. We have also successfully assisted our clients find working interest partners and farmout their exploration assets in both California and internationally.
  • Prospect Evaluations: TLDGS do geologic and reserve-potential evaluations of prospects and development opportunities that are generated by third parties, and in-house we maintain the necessary geologic, geophysical, and GIS software programs for evaluations.
  • Subsurface Mapping and Modeling: TLDGS have over 50 years of in-house experience making subsurface maps and structural and reservoir models that employ a wide range of geologic and geophysical data. In-house, we have experience in and maintain the necessary geologic, geophysical, and GIS software programs and data for subsurface mapping and modeling.
  • Oil & Gas Field Assessments, Mineral Assessments, and Licensed Subsurface Studies: TLDGS generate and sell the only available modern and data complete assessments of oil & gas fields in California. Our mineral assessments have been used in California Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation and Mitigation Banks projects. During the last four decades we have generated numerous licensed subsurface & surface mapping and cross section studies that are available for purchase (in various software formats).
  • Surface Geologic Mapping: Our surface geologic mapping is used in oil & gas, mining, and geotechnical projects. We are experts in analyzing structurally complex areas that have oil & gas or mining potential, or settings with active-fault-hazard potential (surface rupture and hidden blind faults). Our products are unique, data constrained, and structurally valid as we integrate surface and subsurface mapping to develop a 3D model (image) of an area. We combine modern remote-image mapping data and technology such as GIS, lidar, photogrammetry, and drone-derived data with time-proven field mapping methods. Thom Davis has done surface geologic mapping in a wide range of domestic and international areas, in the field and remotely, published many of his field efforts, and teaches field mapping for the California State University System.

Geo-technical Services:

  • Reconstructions of Oil & Gas Fields for environmental evaluations and regulatory requirements. For example, our reconstruction for the Playa Vista Development.
  • UIC (Underground Injection Control): TLDGS do reports and review.
  • Oil & Gas Well Abandonments that require detection and geologic analyses.
  • Active fault detection, mapping, characterization, and report generation that address surface rupture and blind faults hazards for construction and regulatory requirements. We first detected and mapped the Elysian Park thrust system under metro Los Angeles, CA.

Geologic Field Trips: