Thomas L. Davis P.G, Ph.D.
Davis is a California State registered geologist and an author on a number of geologic publications-especially dealing with the structural geology and petroleum potential of California. Davis has worked as a consultant and researcher worldwide, for numerous public and private energy companies, several national oil companies, the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Southern California Gas Company, and the Playa Vista development in the Los Angeles basin. Formerly Davis was a partner in Davis & Namson Consulting Geologists, and prior worked for the Atlantic-Richfield Corporation.

Geoff Gallant
Geoff Gallant is a petroleum geologist with experience in petroleum exploration in California and the Gulf Coast regions. Geoff has worked with Thomas Davis for over 20 years and holds an MSc in Geology from Tulane University in New Orleans.

Lindsey Hronek
Lindsey Hronek has worked at Thomas L. Davis Geologist for ten years doing administration, book-keeping, drafting, and GIS assignments. Lindsey is also working on her PhD in Behavior Analysis at the West Virginia University.